BigBox crashes when entering emulation menu Steam In Home Streaming

Issue #667 invalid
Hans created an issue

Version 5.9. Starting and navigating the menu goes perfect when playing Big Box nativly on the host PC. But when I try to stream it, it crashes when entering the menu of an emulator. I have videos with my games and suspect it has something to do with that. It crashes when it should show the video.

Comments (6)

  1. Hans reporter

    When I select the Windows Media Player option in the menu, it works great without crashing. So my guess is that VLC doesn't like to be streamed by Steam.

  2. Brad Cheyne

    Thank you for letting us know this. Neither Jason nor myself generally use the Streaming options so we have no clue this stuff exists, thank you.

  3. Jason Carr repo owner

    Sounds like there's an issue with VLC in Steam Home Streaming, but to be honest there's nothing we can really do about that. Thanks for the report, Hans. I'm gonna go ahead and close this out.

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