Proposal: Change to 3D box's that will save both launchbox and users a lot of time and bandwidth.

Issue #6680 new
Fugus created an issue

When it comes to importing the 3D box art, they aren’t really pictures of the boxes, they are just the 2D pictures wrapped around a box shape.

I propose a change that instead of having to upload the 3d box art pictures, that you instead include a small plugin or app with launchbox that automatically combines the 2D art they have already downloaded to create the 3D box art instead.

That way, if the person is updating 5,000 games, they don’t have to download 5,000 more boxes of 3d box art when they have the 2D images already which saves both launchbox and the end user time and bandwidth downloading them, it saves Launchbox the storage space holding those redundant 3D box images and it gets rid of those weird situations where you have the 2D images but it says the box art is missing even though the media to make it is already right there.

Comments (2)

  1. Fugus reporter

    And this way the only 3d boxes you will have to store would be of actual boxes you have photos of or the non-cartridge based stuff.
    Just have Launchbox save the 3d boxes for last and then combine the 2d boxes to create them for any that are missing.

  2. Fugus reporter

    My idea on how to set it up is basically this, include in a flag for it during the metadata download and the flag includes 1 of 3 options.
    1. Exists: At which point Launchbox downloads it

    2. Exists but not on file: At which point Launchbox ignores it and sets a flag that prevents the app from creating the 3d box art. This would be for stuff that aren’t boxes and that you would need actual pictures to do.

    3. Create: At which point Launchbox takes the 2D Box art on file and creates the 3D box art at the end of the importing.

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