Right-Click Menu: Option for Additional Apps to assign another submenu / type of Additional App

Issue #6707 new
TimberlAndRE created an issue

When you add AdditionalApplications, Launchbox automatically decides which submenu to put it in based on the file extension. For example, for .PDF the link is assigned to "Media -> Additional Documents", for .BAT it goes to "Additional App(s)".

In addition to this automation, I would like to be able to decide (and overwrite) for myself what type the AdditionalApplication is. So that I can select that a .BAT is an “Additional Document” for example.

The concrete idea is, that for the eXoDOS project we add .BAT controlled calls for PDFs, which opens the PDF file directly on a certain page. For example: a certain game test in a magazin pdf on page XY. Therefore - although a .PDF is opened afterwards - the included file is a .BAT file.

I think this Additional Application would be better placed under "Media -> Additional Documents" than under "Additional App(s)".

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