Make the wizards more automated

Issue #6722 new
Beeman Dev created an issue

If I use Tools/Scan/Added Roms for any platform/ the wizard, asks many questions then scans for new roms, which can take some time, then shows me the filenames and prompting me to click again to actually run it. Can you not add a checkbox “Prompt before adding new roms” which if unticked will just get on with it without prompting again.

I thought I’d left it scanning, only to return hours later and see that it was sitting on a prompt with the rom names it had found, so had done nothing. Very annoying.

As I mentined in a prior ‘issue’ if metadata is unticked it doesn’t import any Launchbox media at all, but can this tickbox not be added to the second screen with the rest of the media checkboxes. The EmuMovies window seems to pause initially, presumably while it talks to EmuMovies, but why does it need to do this at this stage? just show the checkboxes and if data is available it gets it, if not it doesn’t.

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