Feature Request - Smart Bulk Edit - Sort Title

Issue #6724 new
Jim Paton created an issue

The bulk edit wizard in LaunchBox is very limited, particularly when compared to other collection management apps, e.g. Calibre for e-books. It would be great if the Bulk Edit Wizard could provide smarter options.

For example, the Bulk Edit Wizard allows Sort Title to be selected as the field but it’s an unlikely use case that anyone would want to set the same value for all selected games. If Sort Title is chosen as the field, the selected games could be displayed in a two-column grid with a read-only Title column populated with the selected game titles and an editable Sort Title column, allowing the user to quickly set individual values for this field.

As an additional time/effort saving feature, a button could be provided that would pre-fill the Sort Order column values with the current value of Series - this would allow users to simply append the appropriate number for each game to achieve correct sorting.

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