launchbox images error

Issue #6727 new
sam created an issue

hi when i import games into launchbox it downlalods all of it media but then erros come on the screen

Comments (20)

  1. sam reporter

    Yes it’s the download is complete. But erroers was seen could it be something to do with launchbox

  2. Christian

    Are you still getting these errors? If so could you scroll all the way to the right in that window? End of the error is the most important bit as it tells why the download failed.

  3. sam reporter

    Yes I’m still getting those errors it’s also says on the error screen that the operation has time out

  4. Christian

    If it is saying that the operation timed out your connection to LBGD isn’t solid. Either the net traffic is taking far longer than it should to reach it, or you are dropping packets. Are you running a VPN that may be affecting your net connection?

  5. sam reporter

    I dont use a VPN server. They are expensive it's very strang thoe that launchbox download images with errors

  6. sam reporter

    hi Retro808 i reinstalld Launchbox today i stilling getting images error when its downlaodin all media

  7. Christian

    Beta 4 increased the time out timer for downloads from 5s to 10s. Could you upgrade to the latest and let us know if that helped or not.

  8. Christian

    I would reset your router, or call your ISP and ask that they restart your router and clear it’s DNS cache. It sounds like you have something going on with your connection that is making the connection take far longer than usual to process. The DNS cache on your router not updating correctly could definitely cause this.

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