Mame Fullset Import sub-directory ignored

Issue #6728 invalid
nilsbyte created an issue
  1. My MAME ROMs reside in R:\03 MAME\MAME 0.240 ROMs (split)
  2. I chose R:\03 MAME\ as scan folder in the new Fullset Import feature
  3. All games were found and scraped.
  4. Each games ROM path is now R:\03 MAME\ instead of R:\03 MAME\MAME 0.240 ROMs (split)\
  5. A part of the path was ignored when setting the ROM path for each game, resulting in non-working entries in BigBox

Comments (3)

  1. brian

    There’s a spot during the MAME Arcade Full Set wizard that asks where your ROMs are located, and it looks like instead of choosing that folder, you chose a different folder. LaunchBox assumes you gave it the correct folder where your ROMs are located.

    The wizard doesn’t actually scan for your files. MAME is a bit more complex than that (some games don’t even have a file). It uses your version of MAME to determine which games to import based on the filter settings you choose.

    2 ways you could correct this for yourself:

    1. Highlight all your Arcade ROMs and use the Tools > File Management > Change ROMs Folder Path for Selected Games
    2. Delete your Arcade/MAME platform (but don’t delete any of its media), then rerun the MAME Arcade Full Set wizard. This time pointing to the correct folder. Don’t download any media. It should only take a few minutes to import it again.

  2. nilsbyte reporter

    I understand. I have corrected the path using your first way described.

    Maybe the wizard can be built a bit more intelligent in the case of MAME. I like to keep the folders of different versions of the MAME romsets, so i have to organize it in sub folders. I guess other people do that, too.

    It would be great if the wizard does not ask for the ROM path a second time but instead actually looks for the files when setting the rom path. LaunchBox can export the full list of roms to look for from the mame.exe. All it has to do is to look for them, starting at the folder that the user was initially promted for. I mean, it’s a potential pitfall for users, as you see. I am an experienced user, and I did not get why I have to tell LaunchBox this folder the second time.

  3. Christian

    The importer asks pretty plainly to point to the folder the ROMs are located in, which you did not. This isn't a bug it's the feature working as intended.

    This rom path must be sent to MAME which does not look in subfolders for the ROMs when attempting to launch a game. Even if it did if you have several sets UNDER that folder you run the risk that MAME grabs the a file from a mismatched set...

    Allowing a user to do what you are asking for would break many downstream processes and would cause more problems than it solves.

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