Details sidebar not saving position

Issue #673 new
Former user created an issue

LaunchBox version 5.10 beta-3 Windows 10 64bit

The details sidebar has stopped saving my custom position for it. Each time I start LaunchBox, I have to move it again so that it isn't a very narrow sidebar on the right.

I have a very large collection, with the LaunchBox.xml being 65.4 MB, so thinking that this may be the issue ?

Comments (3)

  1. Brad Cheyne

    No, the size of the XML has nothing to do with honestly, however a setting may not be being saved anymore? Create a back up of your XML and either use an older version in the backups folder or delete the original (with a copy created!!) and boot with a clean XML. Edit the settings and see if they persist now after a restart.

  2. BilH12

    I usually have LB displayed as a maximized window, but thought to restore it back to a smaller window. After doing this, I adjusted the sidebar and this time LBdid save its position (even as a maximized window again)

    Just to add - I had looked in the LaunchBox.xml to find the setting for the details sidebar size, and I figured it was <FiltersWidth></FiltersWidth>

    That setting wasn't saving before, but now it does.

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