Android Version closes when selecting Nintendo DS Game list.

Issue #6744 new
Jo Taylor created an issue

Not much else to say other than every time I open the menu for Nintendo DS, it force closes?

Really hope this gets resolved asap because it’s unusable.

Comments (11)

  1. Retro808

    What exactly do you mean by “Nintendo DS Menu”? Do you mean your list of DS games inside LB?

    Currently not seeing any issues on latest stable LB version or beta LB with running DS Games.

  2. Jo Taylor reporter

    Nothing to do with emulators. As soon as you click on Nintendo DS menu in launchbox it shows the games list for a brief second and force closes. This is a complete and total blocker in using the app.

  3. Retro808

    OK so the platform game list. Not something other users are reporting and I just tested on several builds with no issue. So could be corrupt data on your end.

    Did you recently update LB and then it stopped working?

    What version LB are you on and does this happen when you try to access the game list for other platforms?

    If not you can try to use one of the prior backup files for the Nintendo DS xml. Try the following:

    1. Make sure LB is closed.
    2. Go to your \Data\Platforms folder and remove the Nintendo DS.xaml file. Do not delete just move it to another folder or place on your desktop.
    3. Then go to \Backups folder there should be a bunch of zipped backups. If you can remember a day when you last could access the DS games list and you see a backup file for that date open that zipped file and go to the same \Data\Platforms\ folder. If not just try one of the zips from a few days prior. Copy the Nintendo DS.xaml and paste it into the folder where you moved the original one out of.
    4. Open LB and test.

  4. Jo Taylor reporter

    I only purchased the other day so it’s relatively new to me still version wise.

    In About it says Version 1.0

    I don’t have a backups folder on Android

  5. Jo Taylor reporter

    Still i removed the data platform and tried reimporting from Android this time and it worked fine. The problem happened when copying over the files from PC originally.

  6. Jo Taylor reporter

    Now because I have to copy images manually, there’s a lot of excess images that I don’t need. How can I delete unused pics on Android the same as PC version please?


  7. Fugus

    I had similar happen to roms only to find out the directory was saved incorrectly. Hit edit and check to make sure it is loading the game from the proper directory.

  8. Jo Taylor reporter

    Sorry for not making Android clear 🙂

    Is there a clean up unused images feature coming please?

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