Big Box only opens on second monitor when both monitors use same resolution

Issue #6745 new
Elvis Martini created an issue

If I set my primary display to “2” in the Big Box options, Big Box will only open on my secondary monitor if both monitors are using the same resolution.

Comments (6)

  1. Elvis Martini reporter

    Tried that, too, but setting it at 1 just puts it on my primary monitor as expected.

  2. brian

    Do you get any errors when opening on your secondary monitor with different resolutions? What exactly happens?

  3. Elvis Martini reporter

    No errors. If my monitors are the same resolution, Big Box opens on the second monitor. If my monitors are different resolutions, Big Box opens on my primary monitor instead.

  4. brian

    It’s possible that by changing your resolution your video card changes the index number of your monitors. Big Box uses your video card’s index number to determine which monitor to display on. I’m assuming that after you open Big Box you can use the option to switch which monitor Big Box appears on.

  5. Elvis Martini reporter

    I’m able to switch the option for the primary monitor number in Big Box. If I switch the number while both monitors are using the same resolution, Big Box immediately switches to the designated monitor. If I switch the number while both monitors have different resolutions, Big Box appears to attempt to switch monitors but doesn’t. (It blinks for a fraction of a second on the opposite monitor and then reappears fullscreen on my primary.

    I’ve tested this after a restart, as well. I’ve tried the following restart scenarios:

    1. primary only
    2. primary with secondary at same resolution
    3. primary with secondary at different resolutions

    I get the same behavior no matter what.

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