Launchbox for Android - force closing consistently for different things

Issue #6788 new
Jo Taylor created an issue

I’ve not successfully used Launch box to launch a single game properly so far other than Sega Mega Drive, but have used Windows Launchbox since day 1.

When I’m playing around with Emulator settings sometimes it will force close

When I’m choosing an Emulator sometimes it will force close

When I’m scrolling down N64 games list it will force close (It used to do that on Nintendo DS but I had to manually install any games I wanted to use instead of using Export to Android from PC. That’s the only way I could scroll DS games without force close.

Currently I purchased an external Emulator for N64, and when i click Emulator Settings > It shows the settings page and force closes.

Extremely unstable and not useable atm.

I’m using the latest phone Samsung S22 Ultra. No problems with running games without Launchbox through Retroarch or direct from emulators, I just cannot do anything in Launchbox without it force closing.

(I have the full license too)

If you’d like me to provide anything else please say 🙂

Kind regards,
