Sort Name - autofilling with APA

Issue #6792 new
Jonathan Leung created an issue

Is it possible to have an option to auto-populate the Sort Name field? With two options - filling it with the title as it is, or APA style. APA style means that it ignores spaces and punctuation and anything that isn’t a letter or number, or a leading word like “the” or “a”/”an”. So “The Legend Of Zelda” would become “LegendOfZelda” in the Sort Name field if you choose the APA style option.

For a couple examples as to how this makes a difference, taking titles as they are, this would be considered alphabetical as they usually would be by default:

 _Magic Sword_  
 _Magical Quest Starring Mickey Mouse_

 _Super Mario Bros._  

However, with APA style, which is a common preference, by having the Sort Name auto-fill with “MagicSword”, “SuperMarioBros”, etc., they would actually sort like this:

 _Magical Quest Starring Mickey Mouse_  
 _Magic Sword_

 _Super Mario Bros._

I know I can manually change the Sort Name, but it would be good for the option to massively auto-create Sort Names, or for it to be able to massively switch between the two styles by simply clicking an option.


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