Big Box Crashes

Issue #6801 closed
Ray Milbrandt created an issue

I have a issues with BigBox
I have been using Launchbox for a few month and today I have payed for the forever licence. and emumovies
Now if I lauch Bigbox from within Launchbox, Launchbox crashes and 10 seconds later I get a crash details window see attached.
i also tried to run launchbox from within file explorer, nothing happens, with no window popping up…
I tried to run it as administrator without any luck

Other than that, I think everything else is OK

I have Launcbox Version 12.9
Windows 10

Comments (6)

  1. Christian

    That isn’t an error we throw and looks to be an error thrown by the OS. Could you open Windows Event Viewer and look in the Application logs to see if you can find an error report in there that might help explain what is happening?

  2. brian

    A quick google search of the error message shows that it’s Windows telling you that you have some issues with your Windows files, possibly related to .NET.

    I would google your error code and see what you can find: 0xe0434352

  3. Ray Milbrandt reporter

    Thankyou for the info
    I did do a harddrive scan for errors and no erros came up
    but bigbox did work afterwards…
    So all good,
    Thanks Again.

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