[Big Box Theming] Allow vertical alignment for text wheels

Issue #6804 invalid
Elvis Martini created an issue

Depending on the design/view, a text wheel can look a bit wonky if all of the elements in a short list are top-aligned.

Comments (4)

  1. Christian

    There is no such thing as a "Text Wheel". You have a TextView that by default utilizes a ListBox, or the one of many other view that use a FlowControl that can then display text (typically though only does this as a fallback for missing clear logo's, though with FlowContext they CAN do this whenever you want).

    Regardless of which method you are referring to alignment is driven by your XAML file, not code behind. If you want them aligned differently you simply need to do so in your theme file.

  2. Elvis Martini reporter

    The ListBox is referred to as a wheel in the CTC. It seems that the contents of that list (TextFiltersView or TextGamesView) cannot be vertically aligned, and the height of the ListBox cannot be set to “auto” based on the length of its content.

    So, as far as I can tell, the contents of a text list for selection will always be top-aligned, and that’s what I’m being told by the CTC author.

  3. Elvis Martini reporter

    Nevermind, the author must be mistaken. I was able to do this incredibly easily by editing the XAML after publishing. Sorry for the extraneous ticket.

  4. Christian

    You may not be able to set the properties to do what you want inside of the CTC but it IS possible to set those properties in WPF, which means it is already possible to do in a Big Box theme and isn’t driven by us at all but by the XAML you’re theme uses. In fact what you’re looking to do is the default behavior of a ListBox. You may need to manually alter the XAML file the CTC produces to do what you want to do (I really don’t use the CTC to understand what all would need changed to do what you’re looking to do). I know Faeran has produced several videos on our YouTube channel that describes what that process looks like. I’d suggest looking through some of those videos and seeing if you can use them as a starting point to make the modifications you are looking to make.

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