Feature Request: The ability to sync between multiple launchbox installs.

Issue #6810 new
Fugus created an issue

For context, I am setting up a launchbox setup on both a 10TB internal HDD and a 5TB external USB one for the nephew to use when he wants or take it to a friend of his.

Having the ability to sync between the two in installs would be a nice feature. Where I could select a system and it would export it to the other system with the roms and media files and all where the only thing that needs to be setup will be the emulator itself.

Comments (3)

  1. Christian

    Just a reminder while you wait for this request: LaunchBox is a portable app. As long as you place your emulators and roms correctly all you’d need to do is copy LB from one folder to another. You could also use a file sync tool to keep the two synced up as well.

  2. Fugus reporter

    I know its portable, I set up the setup on my 10TB and then copied the entire thing over to the external USB, took hours.

    But, if I wanted to had another system later (Till have over a TB of free space on it), I would still have to scrape for metadata and all even if I copied over the media files itself which would also have to do the same looking and renaming games for the ones the scraper misidentified and all.

    Just being able to hit “Sync with” and selecting the Launchbox folder of the USB drive and then select the system to have it copy over the roms, metadata, and media for the system over would have all those corrections automatically carried over with the biggest thing being you would have to ensure it only did it for systems that supported it so you didn’t do it with stuff like Wii U games which are huge folders and not just single files.

  3. Chris Kant

    I would like to have some sync solutions as well in Launchbox. I have installed LB/BB on two different computers and on two Android Machines (Tablet and Shield) and it would be great if these systems can sync to each other. I don’t want to sync the roms at all but the meta data like favourites, done etc to each machine.

    the saves/states are already synchronized via “Syncthing, also the roms so it is more related to the meta data. the launchbox database connection would be a great tool for this.

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