Big Box file path error

Issue #6818 new
Aaron Peters created an issue

Big Box gives an error report every time i move from one menu page to another (ie: upon starting bigbox i get the error and after dismissing it and selecting the emulator it throws it up again, basically everytime i hit a button and its trying to find the theme info). the error states that a file is missing from the expected file path Launchbox/core/themes/. When i follow the file path i found that the Theme folder isnt in Core, its in the same level as core. after moving the theme folder into the core folder the problem is corrected and everything works as it should. HOWEVER, everytime i close BigBox and reopen it i find that it has deleted themes folder from core and placed it back in its original file path location and i have to start the process all over again. Big Box wants themes file path to be Launchbox/themes/. But the theme unified and ultrawide is made to be Launchbox/core/themes. And when i correct the problem big box uncorrects it after im done.

im using windows 10

and launchbox 12.9

Comments (4)

  1. Christian

    Not seen this file type before so not entirely sure how to open it. Based on your description though this may be related to how your drive is formatted. Do you know what file format the drive LaunchBox is on is formatted with? Should be something like NFTS, EXFAT, or FAT32. NFTS is required to make the symlink creation process work that themes use to find themselves on the drive. A work around is to do what you’re doing putting the folders in the core path (copy them there, don’t move them). Then once you’re done copying the folder to that location, in Windows File Explorer right click the folder and go to properties and set “Readonly” to true (checked box). This should stop the folder from being deleted.

  2. Aaron Peters reporter

    Thank you for your response. I did as you suggested and set the copied /theme folder in the /core folder to read-only and that seems to have solved my problem thanks! To answer your question, the HDD is formatted as EXFAT.

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