Multiple Controllers, plugged in randomly, 1st controller 1st player priorization

Issue #6840 new
Stefan Friedrich created an issue

Hey there,

really love the work you did until now, Launchbox/BigBox is really awesome. Can’t thank you enough for that awesome frontend. Even bought it twice 🙂 And I’d do it again 🙂

And I thought the manage controllers feature might be what I was missing but unfortunately I did not find documentation how to use it.

So here is the request: Is there a possibility to like check which controllers are plugged in and then pop up a window to let the user select which ones he want to use per started platform? Or even do this automated per pre-configured settings?

As we all know Windows remaps those devices as it likes to do it and my attempts with Joystick Gremlin, vJoy, and HidHide did solve the problem to map multiple controllers to one emulator but unfortunately it didn’t eliminate the usb renumbering prob when disconnecting and connecting devices.

Hope this can be done in Launchbox/Bigbox because Microsoft obviously is not able to get that handeld even this is an issue since years. But somehow I’m confident that you guys will probably a solution way faster than Microsoft 😃

Best regards,


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