Add a way to change default startup view

Issue #691 resolved
Scott Francus created an issue

Change the default view from platform to genre or any other category on startup.

When Using Big Box I have it launch when windows starts up. I have my games by genre Like (Adventure, Role Playing, Coleovision, Nintendo ect) But when it launches it shows by platform and I have to go and change it eveytime to genre.

Comments (7)

  1. FaBRiK74

    I have only one platform: Arcade (MAME) and it look so stupid in the Wheel on the side with 11 "Arcade" text and I can choose between 11 platforms all of the the "Arcade" :) For me the "All Games" view would be useful of a default view at startup.

  2. Matthew Martin

    Agreed, this would be a worthy addition. I only have 1 platform and it looks sort of silly when you launch BigBox and you have to choose Arcade from a list of ... uhhh ... Arcade. All Games would be fantastic -- but being able to choose by any of the views would be sweet.

  3. Jakub

    Please add option "All Games". This one thing is missing in my party bartop arcade cabinet. I have only 15 games on in from different platform. Please.

  4. Layby

    I'd like to see this expanded a little bit more so that you can actually select the default platform to display on startup.

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