scrape gamevideos from YouTube

Issue #6931 new
Jimmy Cosmo Jensen created an issue

Would be nice with an import feature from YouTube, with possibility to download videos and cut them to use for game and platform media.

Comments (2)

  1. Callum

    I wholeheartedly agree with this, and have seen discussion of this feature elsewhere (Reddit, in the comments of other features here etc.). Personally, I would prefer the option to just play a youtube video (since VLC can do this) found using automated search terms, rather than having a download and snipping feature. If implemented, it would be good if it selected a video longer than 20 mins and selected a 1 min clip from the middle of it to ensure gameplay rather than a YouTuber's intro etc.

    I’ve been using Daijisho as a frontend on Android recently and it has a feature that auto-plays gameplay from Youtube, so it does seem to be possible, at least theoretically. There are a few good arguments for implementing this:
    1) It seems possible. As mentioned above Daijisho has a similar feature. Also, importantly, there is a huge abundance of HD, no-commentary gameplay videos on Youtube, for pretty much every game you can think of (indeed, many more than my EmuMovies premium provides me with). So in terms of finding the correct video, with the right automated search terms, I think it could get high-quality no commentary gameplay quite easily, because of their sheer abundance.
    2) It would make having gameplay videos more consistent. I can’t count how many times the EmuMovies integration has failed to find a video for a popular game, which I have had to download directly from them via FileZilla etc. Or sometimes they just don’t have a clip for that game; they lack a lot of modern games particularly. Depending on which theme we use, I think most of us want a good video for every game, and, if the search terms were optimised properly, a youtube autoplay feature would be much more consistent in doing this.
    3) It would make getting gameplay videos less work. If EmuMovies lacks a video, or it is poor quality (which sadly is often the case, and often clips do not follow their own guidelines; I have given up reporting on this in their discord due to the unfortunate amount of them) then we have to resort to downloading a video off youtube ourselves or recording gameplay, then possibly editing it. Depending on how many games one has, this could take 10s of hours. I don’t have the time to do this, so often my games are simply left without a video. A Youtube autoplay feature would solve this problem.
    4) It would save on people’s hard drive space. This isn’t a problem for me personally, but I know others who have a huge amount of games that take up a wild amount of space. And sure you can say storage is cheap these days, but this feature would eliminate the purchase of further drives that still do cost money, even if they are cheap.

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