xxx media item(s) were successfully downloaded window doesn't go away

Issue #6949 new
Michael de Blok created an issue
  • The version of LaunchBox you are using

    • v12.11
  • The version of Windows you are using

    • Windows 10, 21H1 19043.1706
  • How often the issue occurs

    • every single time
  • Steps to reproduce the issue if you are able to reproduce it

    • download any kind of media
  • The complete error that shows up in LaunchBox, if there is one (with all error text)

    • XXX media item(s) were successfully downloaded.
      There were some errors during the download process. Would you like to view them now?
      YES | NO
    • The window can’t be clicked away, after clicking yes, or no, nothing happens.
      I can maximize and I can minimize.
    • I access this computer over an RDP session.
    • Video of issue:
    • The only option to get this window gone is to kill the launchbox process.

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