Unable to add games anymore.

Issue #697 invalid
Mike van der Lee created an issue


I don't know what the problem is, but I'm unable to (manually) add any PC games anymore. Everything in the Add Game dialogue seems to work, but after confirming it with Ok, nothing is added to the list. Tried it with different games on different drives.

Also tried to start LaunchBox as admin.

Could you please advise? Thanks.

Launchbox 5.9, Windows 8.1 x64.

Comments (22)

  1. Brad Cheyne

    Are all of your games removed from LaunchBox or are they all still there with no platform associated with it so LaunchBox wont import them thinking they're duplicates? Have you tried adding with a clean XML?

  2. Mike van der Lee reporter

    No, all my games are still there but it's not possible to add any new ones. When I backup my xml, then delete it and start LaunchBox again, it is possible to add games again.

    But, obviously, I don't want to start over ;)

    Is there a way to have LaunchBox check the integrity of the file? Or what else to do?


  3. Brad Cheyne

    If all of your games are still imported in LaunchBox then it will not add any games because it thinks you're adding duplicates. Have you tried adding new games? Games that are not already imported? You'll need to delete the games you have imported to import again, check the force importing duplicate box (you'll end up with duplicates) or delete your XML.

    If this doesn't fix your problem you can head on over to our forums as well, the community and I can help you there a well.

  4. Mike van der Lee reporter

    Like I said: "it's not possible to add any new ones".

    I think that it's not wise to put the issue status on "invalid" before anything is confirmed from the reporter's side - you're even asking questions in your last reply.

  5. Jason Carr repo owner

    Hi Mike, we've never seen this really happen before, so forgive us for thinking it's likely something that's just being missed. What I would do is add a game, then close out LaunchBox and open up LaunchBox.xml in a text editor to see if the game is really there anywhere (just use the text editor's Search feature). Or if you'd like you can email it to me and I can check.

  6. Mike van der Lee reporter

    Hi Jason,

    Thanks for the follow-up. No problem, was just confused because of the question to try to add new games while I stated that that was what I tried to do.

    And if you did see this happen before, I'm sure you'd have squashed it already ;)

    Good suggestion. I searched in the xml and found 7 entries of the title, same exe, path and everything so a quick look seems. I uploaded it for you to investigate.

    The title is "Batman: Arkham Origins".

    Thanks in advance, Mike.

  7. Jason Carr repo owner

    Most likely this means that the games are there, but are somehow being filtered out. I took a quick look and at least one of the games is missing a Platform. I'm guessing that is the issue. They'll likely show up just fine in the list of All games, but they won't show up anywhere in any platform without a platform specified. I do see one in the WIndows platform though.

    So I'm seeing half of them with no platform and half of them under Windows. I haven't loaded up the XML in LaunchBox yet to verify...are you sure you're not seeing that game under All or under Windows?

  8. Mike van der Lee reporter

    Indeed. (!) :)

    I added 2 other Batman games before and as platform they got "PC" assigned but this one "Windows". As my platform selection was on PC, I didn't see it added.

    Having both "PC" and "Windows" can be confusing - as we experienced ;)

    What do you think; as we already have "MS-DOS" separately, would removing "PC" and replacing it with "Windows" be a logical idea?

  9. Mike van der Lee reporter

    Also, shouldn't the game, having the same properties, have been prevented from adding it multiple times as duplicates?

  10. Jason Carr repo owner

    The duplicate checking only happens on imports. The PC platform has indeed been removed, but existing collections aren't automatically updated. Unfortunately we can't go messing with people's collections like that.

  11. Mike van der Lee reporter

    Understood. Thanks for looking into it and sharing insight.

    Congrats with your accomplishments, also the new website.

    Take care, Mike.

  12. Mike van der Lee reporter

    Sorry, one more thing as a follow up. If I have to ask this somewhere else, could you please guide me where?

    I first changed the 2 only games that had their platform set to "Windows" to "PC". But after you said that now instead of "PC", "Windows" is being used, I set my platform filter to "PC", selected all and selected "Edit" from the context menu. The fantastic Bulk wizard came up (! :) ) I selected the "Platform" field to change. As a possible platform in the dropdown "Windows" wasn't there (which was kind of unexpected) so I typed it in manually, confirmed and answered No if something else had to be changed.

    The platform is indeed changed but no images are related to the entries anymore (the descriptions, etc. are). Is this as intended?

  13. Brad Cheyne

    Open your LaunchBox folder, then the images folder. Rename PC to Windows and restart LaunchBox, this should fix the images. If you had Music and Video associated to PC rename those folders to Windows as well.

  14. Brad Cheyne

    Oh, and if you want you're more than welcome to use our Forums for questions and we do have a tutorial series on our YouTube channel.

  15. Mike van der Lee reporter

    I know :) (although that was not my question ;) )

    But shouldn't Launchbox have taken care of this for me?

    And, as the Windows folder already existed, I quit LB, copied the contents of the PC folder and pasted it in the Windows folder, with overwrite. But now the images still don't appear. Quite messy and not intuitive I'm afraid. Very unlike LB.

  16. Jason Carr repo owner

    A fix for that is planned, yes. You can use Refresh All Images under the Tools menu to update any outdated images.

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