Elide Game Title Overlay Option in New Theme

Issue #6972 open
Eamon Cournane created an issue

When viewing a list of game with the title displayed in the new Theme as an overlay on the screen capture, long titles cover the whole screen capture. An option (perhaps on by default) to elide the title to one line would make the appearance more consistent keeping the majority of the image visible. For example: “Very long title of game / alternate very long title of game / region, build, version info” would be shortened to “Very long title of game / alt…“ or whatever fits on one line. Mouse hover would still show the full title as would the details section on the game.

Here is an example:

And here is the hover allowing the full title to still be seen:

Comments (5)

  1. Retro808

    Already possible to clean this up.

    Tools >Options then look in the Visuals section under >Boxes >Spacing. There is a “Text Lines to Show”. Reduce it to the limit you want.

    If this is not what you are looking for let us know and the ticket can be reopened.

  2. Eamon Cournane reporter

    @Retro808 Thanks for responding! I tried that setting with 3, 2, 1, and 0 and it doesn’t seem to have any affect in the new theme. I tried the different image groups as well, screenshot, box, 3D box. I think the note there is important that it only works with the old theme, I will go back to using the old theme for now since the new ones layout is messy without the tiles and title trim.

  3. Eamon Cournane reporter
    • changed status to open

    I edited the title and description to include that this is for the new theme and added a comment saying it works in the old theme.

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