Version sometimes not picked up.

Issue #6977 new
Roger Skullestad created an issue

When importing regular nointro roms of nes and snes and combining versions from different regions like europe, usa and japan they sometimes pick up the (Japan) (Rev1) tags and place them in the ‘version’ string on multi-applications - and other times they only pick up the Rev1 and places that in the version string without the ( and ) around it. This seem all random as different games with the exact same version string in the name will get the string picked up and others not.
Very rarely two versions when merged does not appear as 2 versions, but rather one version and one ‘additional app’.
This is fixed by changing filename of the file that appears in ‘additional apps’.
Magical Drop (Japan) [T-En by Aeon Genesis v0.95b].sfc - this does not work
Magical Drop (Japan) [T-En by Aeon Genesis v 0.9].sfc - this does work
Magical Drop (Japan) [T-En by Aeon Genesis v0.9].sfc - This works
Magical Drop (Japan) [T-En by Aeon Genesis v0.95].sfc - this does not work
Magical Drop (Japan) [T-En Aeon Genesis v0.95b].sfc - this didnt work...

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