Launchbox launches MP4 or video files instead of ROMS

Issue #6980 invalid
Ryan Kaler created an issue

After importing ROMS from a few different platforms all Lauchbox will do is launch the MP4’s that were bundled with the ROMS instead of lauching the ROMS themselves. I know its a file path issue but I would still consider this a bug if I have to go in and correct the file path to each one of my thousands of ROMS

Comments (1)

  1. Retro808

    This is not a bug. LB is working ho w it is currently designed. LB does not know what file types an emulator needs. So if you imported a folder and it contained multiple file types LB imports them. When you have multiple file types in a folder it is best within LB to use the "file" import option instead of the "folder" option.

    Mame is the only exception since we can use the Mame.xaml file to get the correct file/roms used by Mame.

    The user has to designate the file to be launched.

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