Feature request: Expand "Broken" game metadata to include common compatibility level ratings I.E. Perfect/Playable/intro/Boot/Unplayable

Issue #7012 new
tastyratz created an issue

We currently have metadata support in Launchbox for a binary field of “Broken”. I’d like to propose this be expanded to a dropdown field with entries for Unknown/blank, Perfect, Playable, Known issues, Intro, Unplayable. It could also support text for custom entries.

Expanding this could import all games marked as Broken as unplayable or their own custom text entries.

This seems like it would be the first step required for similar requests such as #6859 as we first need a field that can be populated. It would also allow #5510 to have something to filter, sort, or group by.

This also looks like it’s needed for #3106

Finally, once we have this field, utilities could be used to scrape published selected/recommended/associated emulator compatibility. This COULD be associated with a game AND it’s selected emulator as scraped as the concept matures.

These published lists tend to be in static locations and could be scraped right into the Launchbox gameDB also as it matures. Before then or sans that I would imagine some community scripts could fill the void.

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