Mame: New filter option: Filter out DECO Cassettes.

Issue #7023 new
Fugus created an issue

Came across a few of these games and none of them were unique, they were all just another copy of a different game that was already added elsewhere and they just weren’t merged into them. If there are some unique ones, I have noticed them yet.

And with them all being copies of other, already added games and load slow as can be so they don’t really give anything to the launchbox menu other than added clutter and regret for anyone who accidentally launches that version of the game they loaded.

Giving people the menu option to filter them out would be a blessing to player picking around random games. Going through and deleting them or merging them into the original game they are loading can be EXTREMELY tedious when dealing with libraries that big and not many wanting to remove them from the collection itself to preserve the complete set.

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