this the error code i got

Issue #7085 resolved
Matthew Bossert created an issue

CefSettings.BrowserSubprocessPath not found.

Version: 12.13
Type: System.IO.FileNotFoundException
Site: Boolean Initialize(CefSharp.CefSettingsBase, Boolean, CefSharp.IApp)
Source: CefSharp.Core

at CefSharp.Cef.Initialize(CefSettingsBase cefSettings, Boolean performDependencyCheck, IApp cefApp)
at CefSharp.Cef.Initialize(CefSettingsBase cefSettings, Boolean performDependencyCheck, IBrowserProcessHandler browserProcessHandler)
at Unbroken.LaunchBox.Windows.Desktop.App.InsertSimpleCustomer(Object , Boolean , Object )
at Unbroken.LaunchBox.Windows.Desktop.App..ctor()
at Unbroken.LaunchBox.Windows.Desktop.Program.Main(String[] args)

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3:00:13 PM Exception

Comments (1)

  1. brian

    This error is caused by a third party security program that has overzealously deleted required files for LaunchBox to function.

    You would need to whitelist LaunchBox in your third party program, or remove the program entirely and use Windows Defender.

    Once either are done, you can re-run the LaunchBox installer, located in your LaunchBox\Updates folder to reinstall the necessary missing files.

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