Metadata Timeout

Issue #7088 resolved
Waleed Rammal created an issue

Everytime I attempt to download Images, A bunch of downloads fail due to it timing out

Comments (5)

  1. Christian

    This is typically because of a bad internet connection, or a bad connection with whatever site you’re trying to download from. If using a VPN you may need to shut it off. A router reboot tends to help as well as clearing your DNS cache

  2. Waleed Rammal reporter

    I have an internet speed of more than 100 mbps, and I’m not connected to a vpn, I also tried restarting my router + my pc, still no dice.

    Is there no way to download the metadata manually and import it myself?

  3. Waleed Rammal reporter

    Update: I used a VPN and it actually worked out much better, downloaded everything much faster without a single download timing out, maybe because being located in saudi arabia means downloads from servers are slower? I don’t no nor do I understand, but I wanted to point that out since it might help in any future troubleshooting, as well as you mentioning that I must shut off my vpn, but using a vpn actually helped out a lot! Thanks for your help

    best regards.

  4. Christian

    Glad you were able to get it sorted. It does sound like a DNS/Pathing issue from your connection to the server if a VPN corrects it. Unfortunately there isn’t much that we can do about that.

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