Metacritic ratings (community-based ratings)

Issue #71 resolved
Jason Carr repo owner created an issue

No description provided.

Comments (9)

  1. Eisa AlAwadhi

    For me this is one of the most important information that should be parsed.

    It would be better if Launchbox could parse more than Metacritic ratings alike to Google's search.

    For example we can parse all types of ratings or we could select from the sources. IGN rating or/and Gamespot rating, Steam rating!, Metacritic, and so on!

  2. Patrick Chrostek

    To Have the Metacritic Rating would be so Awesome kinda reminds me of kodi showing you the imbd movie rating.

  3. Lee Smith

    I agree, it would be totally epic to have metacritic, ign, GameSpot etc. ratings integrated into Big Box! Maybe even an aggregate launchbox community rating, if LB is able to phone home with each user's game ratings.

    Love Launchbox, thank for you do with the constant updates and improvements!

  4. Jørgen Kalsnes Hagen

    do you think you could also implement a way to sort by these atleast ratings: metacritics, community based and own rating. As far as i'm aware of we only have sorting by community rating as of now.

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