Feature Request: Setting to never download videos with games

Issue #7102 new
Quinn created an issue

I am aware this is somewhat against the flow and will thus probably end up low on the priority list, but I figured I would ask, as this has been an annoyance for me since day one with Launchbox.

I would like a setting somewhere that just blanket indicates that I don’t want to download videos for my games. I never look at them, they add up in disk space fast (especially when importing Steam games that can have entire mini-documentaries), and it is somewhat annoying to have to repeatedly uncheck those media options for so many games, or clean them out because I wasn’t paying enough attention.

Just a checkbox somewhere to indicate that those are never desired and at least make them default to being unchecked when discovering available media would be great. Even better if it throws some kind of warning if I misclick and try to download a video.

Comments (8)

  1. Christian

    What items you choose to download should be remembered between imports. What image type doesn’t appear to be saving correctly for you?

  2. Quinn reporter

    Music and videos, maybe because they aren’t technically images? I generally don’t want those because I rarely use them and they take up more space than images.

  3. Quinn reporter

    Also, if it is supposed to keep them in general, despite my activating it every time, the Steam Clear Logo is unchecked every time.

  4. Christian

    Steam Clear Logo isn’t a defined image type and will copy whatever setting Clear Logo has. I can see that getting to be annoying if you do mostly steam games and only want official artwork. Everything else last I knew we had a setting for so I will need to review that. Thanks for providing the info.

  5. Quinn reporter

    I set it to download whatever clear logo options show up in the list, so not sure why that one keeps unchecking itself if those are supposed to be synced.

    What I check on the Steam games:
    Box - 3D
    Box - Back
    Box - Back - Reconstructed
    Box - Front
    Box - Front - Reconstructed
    Fanart - Background
    Screenshot - Game Title
    Steam Banner
    Steam Clear Logo (This one is never checked automatically)
    Steam Poster
    Steam Screenshot (would be nice if I could limit the number of these, but eh)

    Steam Trailer Video is always automatically checked even though I uncheck it every time.

    I check equivalent things for GOG, and again, Clear Logo is never checked automatically. I don’t have to uncheck the associated video type, though, it is already unchecked.

    When I import from Windows/Xbox, Clear Logo is automatically checked.

    My DOS and SCUMMVM games are already set up, and I don’t know how to test that import without messing those up.

  6. Quinn reporter

    Based on what you said, I went through and imported from every platform I have games on (I have like three Microsoft games), and it looks like the issue might be that the link between similar images, like “Clear Image” and “Steam Clear Image” isn’t reciprocal and I haven’t done whatever import actually changes the default setting.

    The Clear Image setting is now defaulting to on, but I have no idea how to get at the default-setting entry for trailer movies. Probably affects more fields, but I am using the LaunchBox defaults for a lot of media, so I wouldn’t notice.

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