Enhancement: Store Link field for items imported from stores

Issue #7110 new
Quinn created an issue

I have recently gotten my GOG and Steam games properly imported into my Launchbox collection, and I am finding it un-handy that there is no direct way to go from the Launchbox listing to the full page listing in Galaxy or the Steam Client. Yes, I can make a link manually, but I have a grip of games on Steam, and the import process already connects to the relevant game, so it would be nice if one of the items imported was a link to the relevant store page.

Not sure this is relevant in all the import-able stores, and it would be understandable if a change in structure on the other party’s end broke links, but it would still be better than having to add a custom field and add every game manually to have it added automatically and included in the Game Details of the game listing.

Comments (2)

  1. Christian

    Probably would need to make a new field(s) for it but is a solid suggestion. I can’t promise any ETA but I’ll look into it. I can see the feature being useful for people.

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