LB won't download video gameplay and video theme from emumovies for some games when the content does exist in emumovies

Issue #7111 resolved
Amir Amran created an issue

Issue 1:

Lb won't download video gameplay and video theme from emumovies for games without videos (mame games in this case) when tried to download via Audit or by trying to download in bulk via Audit or in bulk outside of Audit, meaning: 

  1. Audit>right click on one game or more than one game with missing video>download metadata and media for mame games with missing video<Yes, but do not replace any existing...
  2. In the mame platform, selecting all games with Ctrl+a>Tools>Download>Update>Metadata and Media for Selected Games>Checked only Video Gameplay and Video Theme>Yes, but, do not replace any existing…

Tried a couple of times.

However, it will download video gameplay and video theme for the same game when done from in mame platform, right click on the game>edit>media>videos>download metadata and media. 

I can't imagine myself manually downloading videos for each game alone for the hundreds of games that are missing videos.

The videos do exist in emumovies.

Why are those games missing videos in the first place while others have their videos after telling lb to download videos for all the games in the mame import process is another issue. Done the last import just a month ago.

Examples: Robocop 2, Two Crude

Issue 2:

LB agreed to download video theme for but refused to download video gameplay for, in the mame import process, and keep refusing to download the video gameplay outside of "game>edit".

Example: Pit Fighter.

Issue 3:

Example for a game that LB agreed to download video theme for in the import process, but not video gameplay and after the import process it won't show the option to download video theme and video gameplay even from "Game>edit". You can see in the following screenshot that lb did download a video theme for the game in the mame import process but now it will not display option to download video theme and no option to download video gameplay.

Example: Spider-man: The videogame:

Issue 4 (less important to me because i rarely use the add button to add games but still an issue):

When trying to add some game as a new game via the add button in the bottom right, lb will not even display the option to download video gameplay and video snap for.

Example: Pit fighter (lb id 26885):

You can see that lb agrees to display options and download video files for my existing Pit Fighter (same lb ID 26855 as the Pit fighter above):

Comments (13)

  1. Christian

    Thanks for the detailed write-up. I was able to identify the cause of the issue and it has been corrected internally. The fix will be in the next release.

  2. Amir Amran reporter

    Thanks. Glad to report the issues. Reporting bugs is a part of my real life job as well. 😄 Looking forward to the next software update.

  3. Amir Amran reporter

    The issues remain.

    Updated LB, redownloaded all mame media from scratch (ticked only “video-theme” and “HD video-gameplay” for this matter from emumovies). After the download process ended LB only downloaded the video-theme for all the games and ignored the request to download HD video gameplay.

    When entering each game manually one by one it allows to download the video gameplay for each game but can’t imagine myself entering each game one by one…

    Screen shot of spider-man for example:

  4. Christian

    Unable to replicate this on the current release. Are you seeing this for all your games or only a select few?

  5. Amir Amran reporter

    From looking at mame audit window it looks like:

    1. A relatively small amount of games don’t have any video file downloaded - issue. Example: Bubble Buster. LB and Emumovies windows won’t show any media available for it but when you press the download button it will download the media, including all images, video theme and video gameplay:

    2. Almost half of the games contain the images but only 1 video (video theme) - issue. Just another example: World Series: The Season. When going through edit game download emumovies does contain the video gameplay.

    3. The other half of the games contain all media, including, images, video theme and video gameplay, as should. Example: Puzzle & Action: Ichidant-R

  6. Christian

    If you the wizard over the same selection a second time are more videos downloaded, or do the results look the same as the first run?

  7. Amir Amran reporter

    I selected all mame games in the mame platform window (not in audit, just the regular lb platform window), tools, downloads, metadata and media, choose all from lb dl, choose only video theme and video HD (highest quality for videos) from emumovies.

    Checked Spider-man and Two Crude as examples, only theme video is there… No change.

    If it matters, when i imported the mame rom set i choose the “World” version in lb import settings before before the import.

  8. Amir Amran reporter

    I checked all 3 video gameplay options and downloaded, now:

    1. “A relatively small amount of games don’t have any video file downloaded” - no change. Another example: Beastie Feastie.
    2. “Almost half of the games contain the images but only 1 video (video theme)” - Still issue. Now it did download video gameplay for some of the games but many other games still don’t have video gameplay. Another example: Vigilante.

    Btw, i choose “world” when i imported my mame rom set, could this cause the issues maybe?

  9. brian

    I did not look through all of this but there were a couple things that could use clarification here:

    • Your screenshot of the Audit Window shows you viewing results for the LaunchBox Games DB image, but you seem to be thinking the results are for EmuMovies. If you clicked the EmuMovies tab, you’ll see the results for EmuMovies and you can choose which media types you would like to download from them.
    • You are choosing to download HD videos during a Download Media Wizard, but I’m pretty sure EmuMovies do not provide HD versions of their video snaps for MAME, or if they do, it’s a very small subset. You’ll have better luck choosing High Quality videos from them. Just remember, by choosing an image or video type during a bulk download, it does not mean you will receive one for every game, it just means the wizard will try its best to look for that particular type. This is why you don’t receive an HD video from EmuMovies for Spider-Man, there simply isn’t one available.

    Hopefully this helps clarify a few things.

  10. Amir Amran reporter

    I understand your points already from Christian replies but thanks for clarifying anyway.

    The issues remain though…

  11. Amir Amran reporter

    Why is this issue in resolved status? It is not resolved... Update: I run the bulk download metadata and media like 5 more times and lb is becoming more agreeable to download video gameplay and/or video theme for like 1-2 games. It seems like LB is playing a download roulette game. it takes multiple bulk media download to succeed in downloading video for like one more game.

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