BIGBOX freezingup

Issue #7113 resolved
gary meekin created an issue

Once the red curtain intro is passed, that next main selection screen, bigbox freezes up. I’ve tried rebooting, using task manager to end the process and restarting and these things did not fix the issue. The didn’t do this until the update today.

Comments (12)

  1. gary meekin reporter

    Here is the screen where it locks up. Hitting escape will do nothing. I can however alt+ tab .

  2. gary meekin reporter

    I just checked and my plugins folder is empty. To the best of my knowledge I’ve only ever downloaded addtional themes.

  3. Jason Carr repo owner

    Okay, thanks. This might be better to troubleshoot on the forums, but we can try here. This seems to be some sort of one-off issue, because we haven’t gotten any other reports like this.

    Are you running any anti-virus or anti-malware apps that could be interfering?

  4. gary meekin reporter

    Hi Jason, Nothing out of the ordinary. Webroot is my software that I use. It's never been an issue with anything in the past few years that I've been using webroot along side of bigbox, not to take away from the possibility It could be now, just saying it's never happened in the past.

  5. Christian

    How are you attempting to navigate the menu? You using a keyboard or a controller? Also the original post makes it read like you loaded INTO this view, is that true or did you press escape (or some other button) to back into the system menu?

  6. gary meekin reporter

    So my order of loading goes like this : The intro video starts - I hit space bar to get into the front end…. (I’m using RETROTASTIC theme) - I am able to use my up or down arrow to move through my choices. If I hit escape at that point , is when it freezes. That is the options screen picture I sent. At this point the program is unresponsive. I can alt tab and close it, but can’t do anything else within the program.. If I repeat the above process and select “arcade” which has MAME , the program freezes on that next screen as well. The odd thing is, when I right click on the taskbar Icon for Bigbox and then choose close, when it closes, I can hear the noise from within the program that sounds like I went back a screen or went into an option. Just a side note I noticed.

  7. gary meekin reporter

    I would like to confirm that I seemed to have fixed the issue. On a hunch I went in and deleted the RETROTASTIC theme from the folder and voila! No more lock up. I have since been able to navigate through menus, update themes, and select new themes as well, without the program freezing up. Not sure what it was about that theme, but it causing the program to lock. We’re all good now.

  8. Jason Carr repo owner

    Ah, okay. Thanks for the follow-up. I wonder if you had an outdated version of that theme that was causing troubles. We did test the latest version of that theme, but not the previous versions. So I think it should work if you want to go back and re-download that theme via the Themes Manager.

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