Launchbox 12.14 Platform Theme doesn't save

Issue #7114 resolved
Far Off Mods created an issue

Any time I open a platform to view game titles and then go back to the platform categories. The theme defaults back to “old default” instead of my platform view selection which is the “Pulse” theme. I can refresh platform cache and if fixes the issue but only until I do the above again. Note that I am using the “Old Defaul” view for coverflow when view games. Maybe it is getting stuck? This issue did not occur in 12.13

Comments (3)

  1. Christian

    Took me a minute to realize what the report was. I was able to confirm the bug and am looking into it. You don’t have to clear the image cache to get the images you want though. You can use the “View Platforms” hotkey or select “View Platforms” from the System Menu and the images will revert back to the ones they are supposed to use. I will update the ticket when this is resolved. Thanks for the report and apologies for the inconvenience.

  2. Christian

    This has been corrected in development and will be in the next release. Thanks again for brining it to our attention!

  3. Far Off Mods reporter

    Wow! Thanks for the fast turn around! Apologies for the poor attempt to articulate the problem. Glad you figured it out though! And thanks for the theme switching tip.

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