Enhancement: Manually Import Steam Games

Issue #7119 new
Quinn created an issue

Steam allows Library Sharing, but currently there is no way to import a Steam game you don’t yourself own, so it requires sort of reverse engineering the entry of a game you do own and adding them manually.

I get that this would be somewhat more fiddly, but being able to import a game from its store URL would allow us to add the games we have access to via library sharing regardless of whether or not the other person has their library publicly shared. Would it be a pain if you really wanted a huge shared library entered into Launchbox? Yes. Do I think that is what most people would want to do? No.

In my case, I have access to four other people’s libraries, and I only want about twenty games from each, tops. Enough to be annoying when I have to do every field manually, but not too bad if I can paste the Steam link for each game in and have LaunchBox pull the various other info the way it would if I owned the games.

It would be nice if we had the option of pulling the whole library, but from the fact that we enter an API key to get our own, I don’t think LaunchBox’s implementation would allow for that, which is valid. So, this would be a nice in-between.

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