Zipped Media Downloads

Issue #7143 new
Gerardt Gräter created an issue

Rather do zipped downloads for media instead of downloading single files. It takes about 3 hours to import a No-Intro NES set because of downloading single files for screenshots, box art, etc.

I have a fast connection so it’s definitely slow because of all the connections that needs to happen (17k+) or the server itself is slow, except it starts off great, then after a while it starts timing out.

I would propose, send a list of games/data needed to the server as a single large JSON (or whatever format is used) to the server, the server zips up all of the data into a single zip and sends it back, Launchbox then extracts the zip … done in a matter of seconds instead of hours and will reduce the overhead on the server

Comments (1)

  1. Christian

    I can understand the reason behind your request but your overhead statement is entirely inaccurate. You’re proposing a task that would severely increase both disk and CPU overhead on the servers to accomplish. Need more disk to temp store the zip files, need a LOT more CPU to zip up files on demand (both grabbing the files, and the compression itself). The increased I/O would also mean faster HDD failures as you’re dramatically increasing the number of disk writes in the process. I’ll leave the ticket open, but I wanted to make sure all parties knew what such a request would entail.

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