Broken Game Filter

Issue #715 resolved
Former user created an issue

Is there a way to filter down to ONLY "broken games" that we have marked in the past? I'd like to periodically look for working roms to replace the broken ones. All I can seem to do is either show/hide them within my entire collection...Which is painful to hunt down what games pop up in my library of over 500, when I toggle the show/hide broken games option in the view menu.

Comments (10)

  1. Shaun S

    Sorry Brad for the delayed response...Had to set up a user account, before I could respond. Looks like the custom filter only works for the drop down and input fields...not the "check box" info on the game data.

  2. Justin Whippo

    yeah, seems it hasn’t been done though. finding a way to filter by broken status would be very helpful. main screen or audit, wouldn’t matter just seems like it would be more or less no brainer. simple status working vs not working

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