Error on startup

Issue #7159 new
Michael Coorlim created an issue

Using launcbox 12.14 on Win 11, occurs on startup every time.

The process cannot access the file 'D:\Dropbox\LaunchBox\Metadata\Temp\fd4d14d3-d8c8-4ee9-9e35-eb8b6918237d' because it is being used by another process.

App: LaunchBox
Version: 12.14
Type: System.IO.IOException
Site: Void PostTransformerParameter(System.Object, System.Object)
Source: Unbroken.LaunchBox.Windows

at Unbroken.LaunchBox.Windows.Data.DataManager.PostTransformerParameter(Object key, Object second)
at PredicateDescriptor.InterruptAdvisableAnnotation(DataSet key, String second, PredicateDescriptor )
at Unbroken.LaunchBox.Windows.Data.DataManager.InstantiateTransformerParameter(String asset)
at TemplateStatus.InterruptAdvisableAnnotation(Object , String propertyName, TemplateStatus )
at Unbroken.LaunchBox.Windows.Data.DataManager.<>c__DisplayClass167_0.CountTransformerProxy()
at System.Threading.ThreadHelper.ThreadStart_Context(Object state)
at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.RunInternal(ExecutionContext executionContext, ContextCallback callback, Object state)
--- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown ---
at System.Threading.ThreadHelper.ThreadStart()

Recent Log:

8:42:35 AM Exception

Comments (3)

  1. Jason Carr repo owner

    Can you try deleting your LaunchBox\Metadata\Temp folder while LaunchBox is closed? Somehow, something (probably another app) is locking that folder.

  2. Michael Coorlim reporter

    Tried deleting the Temp folder to no avail; it is recreated and then Dropbox accesses it as it's changed. Turning off Dropbox synching will probably prevent this error, but it'd be nice if there was a way to catch the problem without terminating the program and just trying again a few seconds later.

  3. Jason Carr repo owner

    I see. Dropbox used to work as expected, but lately they’ve been screwing everything up. File deletes are never supposed to just be ignored or refused like this, but that’s what Dropbox does these days. It’s really extremely unfortunate. Honestly I don’t understand why they didn’t just stick with older versions that actually worked correctly…

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