BigBox Search option: restrict search to title (or at least prioritize returns by title)

Issue #7166 invalid
Mike De created an issue


Creating a playlist doesn't cut it. We don't know before hand what our players are going to search for.  

Your search function has almost no common equivalent to any media front-end in existence including netflix, hulu, roku, mame, rpcs3, yuzu....and the list goes on.  We search for "pac-man" and the search returns 50+ games because the description metadata mentions “pac-man” in passing.

Your search function is the equivalent of searching for "star wars" and netflix returning 200+ films because the metadata for those films include "...Industrial Light and Magic who did the special effects for star wars". Your "star wars" search would return Forrest Gump, Downsizing, Black Panther, and hundreds of films. I’m shocked your design teams thinks that’s ok?

Personally, I feel somewhat tricked here in purchasing BigBox , especially after reading how your company has responded to other people requesting this feature. When I buy a car, no matter how fancy and beautiful it is, I expect it to use liquid gas or electricity. Your search function is like buying a car and the dealer telling me after the fact “oh, by the way it uses compressed air as fuel”.

Having an intuitive search function that reflects commonplace search functionality established for years by larger players is application development 101.

Please add such a “feature”.


Comments (2)

  1. Christian

    I will be closing this ticket as it is entirely a basely claim filled with a heavy dose of inaccuracy.

    The following fields are utilized in the search function and returns any game where any of the following fields contain the string you’re looking for:
    Alternate Name

    The search functionality is also the same across both LaunchBox (free and premium) as well as Big Box, so no purchase was required to see this feature in action.

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