Platform image folders lost.

Issue #7169 new
TeamGT 19 created an issue

When renaming a platform while downloading, the images section of that platform is deleted from the platforms.xml. it will then start looking in the wrong place for images. I have to edit the video folder name and save it to restore an entry in platforms.xml. Then i have to copy, edit and paste an image section from another platform and overwrite the video, manual and music entry with a full platform entry pasted and edited from above to replace the deleted data. if you cant fix the bug correctly maybe block renaming while downloading images. Also Image folders don't repopulate in the edit tab if the data is lost. Videos, Manuals, and Music repopulate to the default folder names, Images just is not there anymore and will not reappear while scraping or renaming again. So far the only fix is to edit the Platform.xml and add the missing image groups back.

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