Advanced configuration settings toggle

Issue #7233 new
Your Friendly A.I Overlord created an issue


I like to request a feature. I would like for LaunchBox to have some more advanced configuration options. Actually, for these “advanced“ settings I take inspiration from the Rocketlaucher backend. What I mainly would like to see is, in the LaunchBox emulator setup, a ahk script field for before and after running an emulator. This is an addition to the current “Running Script“ tab. Currently you can accomplice this by adding scripts as additional apps. But not only is this cumbersome, you have to do this on a per game basis too. And I would like this feature not only for the LaunchBox emulator set up, but per game too. For example for game overrides or games that are not emulated.

Secondly I would like to see a more advanced Startup- / Shutdown screen configuration. The Startup screens would function more reliably If you could exactly specify the window name of the emulator / game the Startup screen must wait for. (with ahk SetTitleMatchMode 1/2/3.) This would greatly improve the reliability of the Startup screens for pc games and TeknoParrot games.

I know, with designing LaunchBox, you want to keep everything as simple as can be for novice users. And I also know power users are a minority. That’s why I like to see a beginner / advanced settings toggle.

Thank you for considering.

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