Developer/Publisher drop down (with pics this time)

Issue #725 resolved
Ron Barker created an issue

Hey guys, I know I've submitted this one before, explained badly, and didn't see the e-mail soon enough to clarify for you. This time I've included pics that I either didn't realize I could include, or didn't think of last time. (I know at least one other user has submitted it too)

If you select or enter multiple developers or publishers, the drop down list populates differently than it does for genre, series and play mode.

In genre, series, and play mode, no matter how many entries you put in, each one separated by a ; becomes it's own checkbox, able to be selected individually the next time you need to use it.

If you enter the multiple developers or publishers, hit ok to save the info, then go back to the drop down on any game, the list populates with the multiple listing, instead of each individual entry getting it's own check box as it does in genre, series, or play mode.

Not only does this mean you can't select your 2nd (or 3rd, 4th, etc...) as an individual entry the next time, but it causes the list to become so populated, it's length becomes a hassle even if you are just trying to put in an individual entry.

Honestly, while I'm on the subject, I'd like to see custom fields act the same way as the genre, series, and play mode fields instead of having to manually type the entry every time you want to add it to a game too.

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