Feature request: Graphic to display in Big Box for games marked as Broken or unplayable

Issue #7269 invalid
tastyratz created an issue

Games can be marked as Broken, Completed, etc. in Launchbox and you can see this in big box AFTER clicking a game in the sidebar.

What about an overlay next to the game wheel or above the video on games marked as broken with a graphic/text representing broken without having to click into the game and review the menu? A simple graphic tie could be created for some status attributes as well such as if there is an unplayable status and an unplayable.png file present. This ties back to bolstering future possible connectivity to emulator compatibility lists and the usefulness of doing so.

Comments (2)

  1. Christian

    There are already ways to do this. A theme can add a FlowBadge and display the broken badge on a game where ever is desired.

    If you simply don't want to see broken titles in Big Box you can also hide them in the settings so they don't appear at all.

  2. tastyratz reporter

    Could this be universal or something I do without having to learn how to make a custom theme?

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