Scan for added rom not finding or returning results if duplicate exists already in library after file renames

Issue #7273 new
tastyratz created an issue

I recently renamed some of my roms to standard bracketed formatting for tags where they had underscores before and it was importing websites into the game name.

After renaming these files, I wanted to re-point my entries to them. If I scan for added roms with a legit new rom I get the wizard where I can select force import duplicate games (and it does not in fact import the duplicate game). If I just renamed my rom files I would get a message that there are no new roms found.

the only way I am able to import these renamed rom files is to delete them from launchbox and add them again as new. This only seems to apply to games that already exist with matches in the games database.

This explains why scanning for removed roms deletes the games because combined duplicates haven’t actually been combined. I have yet to test if scanning for removed roms will remove games that have partial missing duplicates.

I am using the latest 7.14 on windows 10.

Comments (1)

  1. Fugus

    If you just renamed some of them, I personally would say just go into those games original metadata and in one of the lower tabs it points directly to that file, just change it to direct to the newer file.

    If it’s a lot, can just have it scan for missing roms, then have it scan again for added roms.

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