Suggestion: Size/Resolution limits to media submissions

Issue #7296 new
Fugus created an issue

Started helping with the submissions some and noticed that people are putting in some freakishly big images just for the clear logo.

Will have a clear logo already but they end up submitting a similar clear logo but with such a big resolution that it wouldn’t fit on an 1080P monitor in its normal size with some of them looking like they would just barely fit on a 2k monitor with an increase in file size to match. Sizes where you would need a 8k to 16k monitor to justify a clear logo that size.

Having reasonable size limits to submissions might help that. Would also reduce the storage space on the people whom are using it and the bandwidth needed for your servers filling the request.

When you see a 0.07MB clear logo being replaced with a 1.96MB file that looks almost the same and then multiply that by several files, that starts to add up. Figure it would be taken care of with the caching by Launch/Big Box on first load, but that is a good deal excessive.

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