Backup system bug

Issue #730 invalid
Psico Lock created an issue

Days ago the xml archive is messed. I tried to recover acording the info and the recovery is very outdated, with data of months ago. Lot of work to do again :_(

Comments (3)

  1. Jason Carr repo owner

    Hi Oscar, did you try all 25 backup XML files? What are the modified dates on the files?

  2. Psico Lock reporter

    I don't remember well. Simply i rename the xml back. Is a issue with old version with only one xml backup i see now the system has changed. Whatever i suggest some better system with an integrated recover old version on the configuration panel that automatizes recovering.

  3. Jason Carr repo owner

    Corruption should be pretty much eliminated with the latest betas. We also have a separate ticket for an automated backup restore solution.

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