Addition to new platform info feature

Issue #7317 invalid
Ron Barker created an issue

When I select just the platform, and it displays the info on the right, I would like to be able to customize what info is shown and/or what order it is displayed in.

Like right now, notes I make about the platform are at the bottom of the info, while I would prefer for that particular field to be the 1st thing shown. rather than total games/games completed/last played/play count/play time/most played game.

This usually leaves me having to scroll down in the info to even see if I have a note.

Comments (2)

  1. Retro808

    Like all LB and BB themes you can alter any theme to a look you want but it does require editing the code. There are no LB settings to move media/metadata around. If this is something you cannot do directly you can post on our forum and usually our mods, users, and on occasion a dev will assist in showing you how to do this.

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