Suggestion: New Field in the Metadata Database "File Name"

Issue #7329 new
Fugus created an issue

Simply suggesting that you guys add a “File Name” field to the database and let the users fill them out.

Mainly thinking about that in regards to solve the issue of Mame games not matching up due to the database matching by game name from Mame even though the file name is exact and also to deal with the No-Intro and ReDump naming schemes and how exact they are in what they are labeled versus what they actually are.

Would allow Launchbox first to match via file name against the database directly, then instead use that to compare against possible game titles that closely match it.

That section might get a little big at times as games like Smash Brothers can have upwards of 11 Revisions plus any demos are betas, but those could be added to the database and instantly found so long as the database entry is correct.

I put this as “Major” because it would be a massive godsend to Mame users, between games that have the exact same name even though they are different games and have different file names as well and then when you have those god awful deco cassette games that don’t get merged with the other games of the same title, at least the database would make sure they got assigned the same database ID so you can see in the auditing if any games have a duplicate database ID so they can merge them with that appropriate title much more quickly and easily.

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