Version 5.1 of LaunchBox is announced as a Trojan by Kasperky

Issue #734 invalid
Former user created an issue

What have you done to my favorite Game-Frontend? I got the Information, that Version 5.1 is out so I wanted to download it. Unfortunatlyt my kaspersky (newest version) blocked the download with the following Informations:

26.04.2016 19.36.15;Gefundenes Objekt (Datei) wurde gelöscht.;C:\Users\guido\Downloads\LaunchBox-5.10-Setup.exe//data0000;C:\Users\user\Downloads\LaunchBox-5.10-Setup.exe//data0000;HEUR:Trojan.Win32.Generic;Trojanisches Programm;04/26/2016 19:36:15

I am totally shocked about that. I think a new routine you implemented is the reason for it. Please fix it, because I want to use new versions of LaunchBox, too.

(Sorry, if my english is not quite well. ;)

Greetings from germany AntilSan

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