(BUG) Launchbox don't use region priorities in downloading data with images, it always picks the media from rom region included in romname

Issue #7350 invalid
Psico Lock created an issue

Region priorities doesn’t work in downloading image data, launchbox always picks the box,cart images of the (REGION) included in rom names.

Comments (3)

  1. Christian

    This feature is working as intended. Region Priorities are used to prioritize which region you pull from on the game if it has multiple regions, but LaunchBox is set to always prioritize media that is correct to the region of the game in question.

  2. Psico Lock reporter

    If you want to prioritize something and launchbox by default uses another criteria doesn’t work dude. The prioritization works with names. I give you an example, if i set priority FRANCE, my lawnmover man snes rom USA rom gets USA COVER instead the FRENCH ONE BUT IT GETS LE COBAYE AS FIRST AND SRTING TITLE/NAME.

    Change the status please

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